
Pivotal journey: Concept to production


Two groups are primarily involved: motion designers and motion engineers. Both are aware of Material Motion.


Productionize a motion concept.

“V1” ideal journey

  1. Motion designer conceives of a motion concept to satisfy product need.
  2. Motion designer creators mocks/prototypes to illustrate the concept.
  3. Motion designer gets design and engineering feedback and iterates.
  4. Motion designer describes their concept using the Material Motion language.
  5. The engineer creates a new director and applies the language described by the designer.
  6. The engineer wires the necessary aspects of the greater app architecture to the director.
  7. The engineer and motion designer iterate on the implementation.
  8. The implementation reaches a satisfactory point and is shipped.

“V2” ideal journey

Goal is to enable more collaboration between motion design and engineering.

  1. A motion designer conceives of a motion concept.
  2. A person uses Material Motion languages to prototype the concept either within the context of an existing app or in a playground.
  3. The person gets design and engineering feedback and iterates.
  4. The implementation reaches a satisfactory point and is shipped.

“V3” ideal journey

Goal is to completely remove the design/engineering hand-off.

  1. A person conceives of a motion concept and creates a director in a tool.
  2. The person uses Material Motion languages to prototype the concept either within the context of an existing app or in a playground.
  3. The person gets design and engineering feedback and iterates.
  4. The implementation reaches a satisfactory point and is shipped.

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