Runtime specification

This is the engineering specification for the Runtime object.

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Rename Scheduler to [Runtime]? appsforartists Accepted on Nov 1, 2016
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Available since Runtime 1.0.0 Runtime 1.0.0  



A runtime receives plans and creates performers. The runtime generates relevant events for performers and monitors activity.


Simple initializer

A runtime is cheap to create.

Example pseudo-code:

runtime = Runtime()

addPlan API

Provide an API for adding an association of a plan with a target.

This API must accept a plan and a target object.

Example pseudo-code:

# Associate a plan with a target.
runtime.addPlan(plan, to: target)

One instance of a performer type per target

Create one performer instance for each type of performer required by a target. This allows multiple plans to affect a single performer instance. The performers can then maintain state across multiple plans.

Consider the following pseudo-code involving physical simulation:

runtime.addPlan(Friction(), to: circleView)
runtime.addPlan(AnchoredSpringAtLocation(x, y), to: circleView)

circleView now has two plans and one performer, a PhysicalSimulationPerformer. Both plans have been provided to the performer instance.

The performer knows the following:

  • It has two forces, both affecting position.
  • It needs to model velocity for the position.

The performer creates some state that will track the position's velocity.

The performer can now:

  1. convert each plan into a physics force,
  2. apply the force to the velocity, and
  3. apply the velocity to the position

on every update event.

Alternatively, consider how this situation would have played out if we had one performer for each plan. There would now be two conflicting representations of velocity for the same position. On each frame, one performer would "lose". The result would be a confusing animation.

Note that "one performer per type of plan" does not resolve the problem of sharing state across different types of plans. This is an open problem.

Plan ↔ performer association

The runtime must be able to translate plans into performers.

Plans define their performer type explicitly.

Example pseudo-code:

class SomePlan {
  function performerType() {
    return SomePerformer.type

# In the runtime...
performerType = plan.performerType()
performer = performerType()

Unit Tests

Activity state

Activity state is one of either active or at rest. The runtime must provide a public read-only API for accessing this state.

Pseudo-code example:

public enum ActivityState {

Runtime {
  public function activityState() -> ActivityState

A runtime is active if any of its performer instances are active.

Open topics

The following topics are open for discussion. They do not presently have a clear recommendation.

  • When should performers be removed from a runtime?
  • Should runtimes support target-less plans?

Proposed features

Dynamic Plan ↔ Performer map

Map performer type to plan type with look-up table.

Performers define which plans they can fulfill. This approach allows plans to be less intelligent. But it introduces the possibility of performers conflicting on a given plan. The runtime would need to be able to determine which one to use.

Example pseudo-code:

# In some initialization step...
runtime.performerType(SomePerformer.type, canExecutePlanType: SomePlan.type)

# In the runtime...
performerType = plan.performerTypeForPlan(plan)
performer = performerType()

Tear down API

Provide an API to tear down a runtime.

This API would terminate all active performers and remove all registered plans.

It's unclear if this is a necessary feature.

Example pseudo-code:


Garbage-collecting performers

To prevent a monotonically-increasing heap of performers from introducing a potential memory leak, a runtime may desire some strategy for removing references to old performers.

The JavaScript implementation is considering removing references after the runtime has be at rest for at least 500ms. This was chosen for a few reasons:

  • According to the RAIL pattern, users are unlikely to notice a slow first frame in an animation. This makes the first frame a good time to instantiate new objects.

  • The delay ensures that plans can be committed to the runtime one-frame-at-a-time without triggering garbage collection.

  • 500ms is long enough that new plans in this sequence are unlikely, but short enough that the user is unlikely to be initiating new plans.

Under this strategy, it is especially important that performers can read the state that another performer may have set on a target. Otherwise, when a performer is garbage collected and a new one takes its place, the new performer might reset the starting position of a target. This would be jarring.

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