
Follow-up considerations

Motion expression helper methods

APIs that accept plans could also accept motion expressions. This reduces the need to resolve the motion expression at the call site.



Proposal (status: new): Motion expressions should be serializable.

TODO: Discuss value of serializing motion expressions vs serializing plans. Motion expressions have benefit of not necessarily being entirely platform-specific. As long as a language exists that can implement an motion expression then it doesn't matter which plans are used. If plans were serialized then we'd be somewhat more implementation-dependent.


    "family": "material-motion-gestures",
    "terms": [


    "family": "material-motion-tweens",
    "terms": [
      ["fadeIn", ["withDuration", 5]]

Basic JSON structure:

Expression = [Family]
Family = {"family": String, "terms": [Term]}
Term = [String, [Modifier]...]
Modifier = [String, Arg...]
Arg = AnyType


Proposal (status: new): How can we "stylize" motion expressions without having to resort to a brand new family?

TODO: Provide recommendations for customizing motion expressions without having to resort to creating an entirely new family or subclass of a family.


Encourage functions that accept motion expressions for the purposes of styling:

expression = Family().term()
expression = someStyler(expression)


Is more likely that we'll allow clients to stylize plans than we will allow styling of motion expressions/families.

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