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Stability MVP Milestone family-pop-swift v1.0.0  

Example: Rounded corners

To animate a rounded-corners square to a new dimension:

Interaction Morphing {
  let roundedCornerShape

  func setUp(planEmitter) {
    planEmitter.addPlan(SpringTo(.layerBounds, destination: bounds),
                        to: roundedCornerShape)
    planEmitter.addPlan(SpringTo(.layerCornerRadius, destination: radius),
                        to: roundedCornerShape)


One or more one-dimensional springs pull a property's current value to a provided destination.

If a configuration is provided then the associated spring's configuration should be updated to match the provided values.

Plan SpringTo {
  configuration (optional)



Contract: configure the behavior of a SpringTo plan.

// MVP
SpringConfiguration {
  friction: float = 30
  tension: float = 342

// Feature: bounciness/speed configuration
SpringConfiguration {
  bounciness: SpringBounciness
  speed: SpringSpeed
enum SpringBounciness {
  case Bouncy(scalar)
  case NotBouncy
  case Exponential

enum SpringSpeed {
  case Fast(scalar)
  case Slow(scalar)

Performer considerations

Use springs to pull the target property's current value towards the last-provided destination.

Create state required to simulate a spring when SpringTo is provided for a new property.

Preserve velocity when a property's destination changes.

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