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TransitionTween plan Accepted on November 1, 2016

TransitionTween describes tween animations that occur during a transition between two states.

Note that this motion family can/should compose to Tween or KeyframeTween.


Plan TransitionTween {
  var property
  var backValue
  var foreValue
  var forwardTimingFunction
  var backwardTimingFunction
  var segment: TransitionSegment
  var window: TransitionWindow

property is any animatable value on the target object.

back is the destination value when the direction is backward.

fore is the destination value when the direction is forward.

forwardTimingFunction is the timing function to use when initially animating forward.

backwardTimingFunction is the timing function to use when initially animating backward.

forwardSegment is the portion of the transition window in which the animation should occur during a forward transition.

backwardSegment is the portion of the transition window in which the animation should occur during a backward transition.

window is the transition window within which the segment applies.

Example: Fade transition

TransitionDirector Fade {
  func setUp() {
    let fade = TransitionTween("opacity",
                            window: window,
                            segment: .init(position: 0, length: 1)
                            back: 0,
                            fore: 1)
    addPlan(fadeIn, to: forwardElement)

Example: Slide transition

TransitionDirector Slide {
  func setUp() {
    let shiftUp = TransitionTween("position",
                               window: window,
                               segment: .init(position: 0, length: 1)
                               back: bottomEdge,
                               fore: topEdge)
    addPlan(shiftUp, to: forwardElement)

Plan considerations

Provide convenience APIs for describing both back- and foreward segments with one call. For example:

transitionTween.segment = .init(position: 0, length: 0.5)

would initialize forwardSegment as the first half and backwardSegment as the last half.

Performer considerations

A TransitionTweenPerformer will generate different tweens based on the initial direction. Consider the following examples:

window = TransitionWindow(duration: 0.4s)
             window: window,
             segment: .init(position: 0, length: 0.25)
             back: 0,
             fore: 1)

When initial direction == forward:

let forwardTween = Tween("opacity", duration: 0.1s)
forwardTween.from = 0 = 1

When initial direction == backward:

let backwardTween = Tween("opacity", duration: 0.1s)
backwardTween.delay = 0.3s
backwardTween.from = 1 = 0

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