
Discussion thread Status
Drafting as of Oct 25, 2016

This is the engineering specification for the Transition concrete type.


A Transition defines the essential information required by a TransitionDirector.



Concrete type: Transition is an object.

Example pseudo-code:

class Transition {

Runtime API: Provide access to a Runtime instance.

class Transition {
  let runtime: Runtime

Time window API: Provide a read-only value of the transition's time window.

class Transition {
  let window: TimeWindow

back/fore API: Provide a read-only back and fore value.

The type of this value is platform-dependent.

On iOS:

class Transition {
  let back: UIViewController
  let fore: UIViewController

These values map from the platform's from/to values:

Direction back == fore ==
Forward from to
Backward to from

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