
  1. Join our Discord channel and post a message in #welcome.
  2. Create an account at codereview.cc. Your account will need to be approved by an admin.
  3. Request membership to the material-motion organization by pinging @core team in Discord.
  4. Install our contributor tools.
  5. Read through the contributor essentials guides.
  6. Look for good starter issues for your platform on Milemarker.
  7. Ask questions in Discord!


As a frequent or core contributor you'll need to be added to the relevant roles. Learn more about our community roles.

  1. Ask a member of the core team to add you to the relevant GitHub teams. This will allow you to create/update issues and push code.
  2. Ask a member of the core team to add you to the relevant Discord teams. This will give you some flair in the channel.

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