How we prioritize

Prioritization is how we choose what to work on for a given week or day. We make heavy use of GitHub and Discord to communicate our priorities. This allows us to minimize the number of team meetings and encourages autonomy.

Material Motion milemarker

This website fetches every material-motion repo and shows their milestones. We use this website to get a high-level overview of the project's status on any given platform.

What is a project?

Projects == GitHub repos, usually.

For most of our platforms, each "project" maps to a single GitHub repository.

We do make use of monorepos. Monorepos contain many projects. Monorepos make heavy use of where: labels to break down project-specific tasks.

A milestone defines issue priority

Within a given project we use GitHub milestones to define relative issue priority. Issues at the top of the milestone are the most important.

For example, consider the Runtime v1.0.0 milestone:

In this milestone we can clearly see the work ahead of us and the current status of each issue.

If you'd like to take on a task the rule is simple: choose any unassigned task near the top of the milestone.

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